The Power of Slendr vs Traditional Weight Loss

weight loss clinic in northampton

A quick search online will show countless ways of losing weight, some advised and some you should never attempt.

With all of these different approaches to losing weight we completely understand why patients feel overwhelmed and anxious before they partner with Slendr. If you’re not sure why you should use Slendr, here’s how we compare to other diets and weight loss trends.

Slendr vs Weight Loss Groups

Weight loss groups, where you typically meet up once a week and have a group weigh in, have been around as a weight loss option for years.

While some find the group setting and the systems they use to categorise food as good and bad useful, not everyone sees complete success on these programmes.

That’s because the proprietary classifications of food often don’t translate into the real world. For example, on some of these programmes a banana is a “free” food that you can in theory have as much as you want of, but as soon as you mash it then it’s no longer a free food. This confusion can lead to members feeling confused and overwhelmed when they’re no longer part of the groups and ultimately they put the weight they lost back on, often gaining more than when they started.

Slendr is different. We keep everything based on day to day life, no complicated systems to learn just helping you discover what healthy foods you like and helping you to build lasting habits. This is all so that when you’re reached your goals you don’t get stuck in a cycle of losing weight and then putting it back on, we help you achieve weight loss that lasts.

Slendr vs Fad Diets

While fad diets were particularly popular in the 90s and early 2000s, they’re still going strong in the 2020s. Between drastic lifestyle changes like Keto and products sold to you to help lose weight, the fad diet industry is alive and well. These diets don’t work because at best they don’t create long term healthy habits to help you stay at an ideal weight, at worst they’re dangerous.

If you’ve been on Instagram or TikTok you’ll have no doubt seen the adverts for different powders, teas and pills that if you take them “you’ll see incredible weight loss results so easily”. You may have even seen advertisements for fake weight loss medication available from companies that have no business selling prescription medications.

We urge you to never buy anything online that you’re ingesting that you don’t know what’s in it, and we especially urge you to never buy medication from any source other than your pharmacist for safety reasons.

Weight loss medications like Wegovy and Mounjaro are a popular topic at the moment, and the news is filled with stories of people buying these medications online and getting fake medication and no instructions on how to use the medication properly.

This a recipe for disaster, as patients exposed to the fake medications don’t know what they’re taking and even if they are legitimate medicines you need the guidance of a prescriber to know how to take them.

At Slendr we make sure that you’re suitable for medication before we offer it to you, and if you are cleared to use it we’re there to help you use it and make sure you don’t have any side effects so you are safe.

It’s why we insist on in person consultations, not only so we can track your progress but we can make sure you’re losing weight at a safe pace and you’re not experiencing any problems with the weight loss medication.

Slendr vs Diet and Exercise

The ideal way to lose weight for people is diet and exercise. This method leads you down the route of making long term healthy choices and helps you to build habits that help you not only lose weight but keep it off once you’re no longer pursuing weight loss.

At Slendr this is the method for weight loss we encourage, alongside weight loss medication. Building these habits alongside our coaching and support helps you find healthy food and exercises you enjoy so you can break free of the cycle of constantly losing and gaining weight.

The reason people tend to struggle on just a diet and exercise programme is they’re left to their own devices. Theres no one there to guide people towards different recipes or recommend exercise plans, leaving them to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. If you’re someone who struggles with stress of comfort eating it’s easy to see how this overwhelm and feeling lost can lead to completely derailing someone’s progress.

At Slendr our pharmacists will track your progress at our regular in-person check ins to help you stay motivated and on track, at these consultations we’ll also adjust your dosage to help you lose weight.This in-person support is what helps our patients lose 2-5x more weight than those just relying on diet and exercise alone.

Slendr helps you lose more weight than diet alone

If you’re interested in seeing how Slendr can help you lose weight and feel fantastic, complete your free assessment online.

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